Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I have been observing the news of the last year with a sense of disbelief. How did we elect a fascist for the president. Why after the last idiot would we think that this community agitator would be able to provide real hope. (Fascism - definition: totalitarian philosophy of government that glorifies the state and nation and assigns to the state control over every aspect of national life. The name was first used by the party started by Benito Mussolini , who ruled Italy from 1922 until the Italian defeat in World War II. However, it has also been applied to similar ideologies in other countries, e.g., to National Socialism in Germany and to the regime of Francisco Franco in Spain.)
Let me think, have we reached a point were the state is taking control of sectors of the economy.
1. Bailing out banks that made bad loans
2. Changing the rules of the tarp afterward ex post facto
3. Bailing out the car companies
4. Destroying equity holders, bond holders and giving car companies to Unions. Classic redistribution of wealth.
5. Label people with opposing political beliefs as Terrorists (Homeland Security-Assessment of
right wing extremism)
6. Taking control of large insurance companies (AIG 180 billion so far)

I challenge you to tell me that he does not meet the classic definition of a fascist. To be fair he has not taken complete control of the economy, yet. Will see if he has enough to push through national health care, and or cap and trade.
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