Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My thoughts on the Swine Flu

Does it not feel like something weird is going on with the swine flu. I do not live that far from Livingston county were the first case of swine flu was reported in Michigan. I just have a sinking feeling in my gut about the whole thing. The flu has been exploding for the last few days. Cases in Israel, Scotland, California, Florida, Kansas, Texas, Michigan and numerous other places. The problem is that we only know the numerator(people in the hospital). The denominator is much larger(the people that have it that do not know that they have it or are afraid to let someone know they have it). The Great influenza started out much the same way and effected the same age of the population(25-56). From the reading that I have done on the subject the reason seemingly healthy die is not from the flu, but from the over reaction of the immune system. The young and old who have generally weaker immune systems do not have the same massive immune reaction.

Why has the government not closed the border. What the fuck are they doing. Everyone knows that in order to contain a virus you Isolate it, so it does not pass along in the population. This is not what the economy needs right now. 34,000 restaurants were closed in Mexico City today. Could you imagine what would happen if we had to close all restaurants in the United State? Why did we wait till Monday night to inform people that they should probably not go to Mexico?

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