Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Obama Budget

The budget Obama proposes for this year increases federal spending by a fiscally insane 34% over the budget adopted for last year, with a total of $4 trillion in federal spending, the highest ever. That spending would equal 28.5% of GDP, an increase in the size of the federal government in Obama’s first year of 42% compared to the postwar average relative to GDP

Did anyone that follows politics not think that this was going to happen. If the so called fiscal Conservative Bush deficit spent 2.9 trillion, why would the true tax and spend party slow the train down. Party like it is 1999, we will be dead when our kids figure out that we screwed them.

The CBO estimates that this Obama budget deficit will total an astounding 13.1% of GDP, more than one-eighth of the entire U.S. economy, for the federal deficit alone! That is again the largest in U.S. history except for World War II and more than twice Reagan’s highest deficit as a percent of GDP

This is unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable. What do you say about this. They are gonna bury us so deep we will never come out of this mess. Like they say when you get in a hole stop digging. When will they relize that you can not spend your way out of debt. It has never worked before. If it did we could just print money and give it away. But you can't it will only cause inflation. Inflation is described in a expansion of the money supply. It will always fail.

(April 30 Update) New Information that I heard today is that if you are 24 right now you will pay approximantly 114,000 dollers over the lifetime just for the Interest on the debt of the money that Obama is spending. The numbers grow daily, almost seems to be no limit on the money he will spend. There is so much here, I will get back to the subject latter.

(May 1 Update) Before I forget, I wanted to mention that at the current rate of spending the Obama Adminstration will spend more money in the first 20 months through deciet spending that the bush adminstration did in all eight yrs of his adminstration. The thing is that Bush spent money like a drunken sailor. When will this end, maybe when China stops buying our treasuries. We will see, can't spend like this forever.

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