Thursday, April 30, 2009

Assult on the 1st Amendment

So I heard some very disturbing news today, the House of Representatives has passed a resolution 249-175 that provides special prosecutions to homosexuals, but leaves Christan ministers open to prosecution should their teachings be linked to any subsequent offense, by anyone, against a "gay".

So now we find that homosexuals have more rights than heterosexuals. Can anyone answer this simple question, where in the constitution does it give the government the right to create a special class of people? How is it any more hateful to attack a homosexual. All crimes are so called hate crimes. I think rape, murder, pedophilia are forms of hate crimes. Oh wait this bill protects pedophiles, well at least rape and murder our bad. What is wrong with this country that we protect the behavior of people that hate what our country stands for. We have a federalist form of government, the states our allowed to pass laws in favor of gay marriage. The problems of the homosexual lobby is that they do not want to except that the majority of the people in this nation do not support gay marriage(Even California voters made gay marrigae unconstutionial). It is a simple moral and ethical decision, if you are against something on moral grounds, you can't just arbitrarily throw the beliefs off and change your mind.

The real problem of the law is that in other nations that have passed similar laws ministers are thrown in jail for reading parts of the bible that say homosexuality is a sin. Is this our future of America, we just ignore the bill of rights. Maybe we should look at the first amendment real quick.

1st amendment; Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assembly, to petition the government for a redress of grievances. (emphasis mine)

Do I really have to explain what this means. You can not stop someones free speech period. This principle is the basic right that all others are built on. So no surprise that the democrats have pushed so hard, if they can just silence their critics they can get a permanent majority. I wish there was a true libertarian party to vote for, hopefully this won't take to long to form. We need small government, lower tax rates, no interference of business by government, defense of the right to bear arms. These are my principles, what are yours. The democrats are trying to make Christianity illegal, that is their goal and you would be wise to listen. If you don't agree with me at least understand that your idea of free speech is necessary for all political beliefs. Remember that we always have to stand against the governments agenda to steal our liberties. I might not always agree with you, but i will fight to my last breath to protect your right to say what you believe.

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