Thursday, April 30, 2009

Really funny (Muslims: 'We do that on first dates")

Anne Coulter (Funny as Hell)

Muslims: 'We do that on first dates'
Without any pretense of an argument, which liberals are neurologically incapable of, the mainstream media are now asserting that our wussy interrogation techniques at Guantanamo constituted "torture" and have irreparably harmed America's image abroad.
Only the second of those alleged facts is true: The president's release of the Department of Justice interrogation memos undoubtedly hurt America's image abroad, as we are snickered at in capitals around the world, where they know what real torture is. The Arabs surely view these memos as a pack of lies. What about the pills Americans have to turn us gay?
The techniques used against the most stalwart al-Qaida members, such as Abu Zubaydah, included one terrifying procedure referred to as "the attention grasp." As described in horrifying detail in the Justice Department memo, the "attention grasp" consisted of:
"(G)rasping the individual with both hands, one hand on each side of the collar opening, in a controlled and quick motion. In the same motion as the grasp, the individual is drawn toward the interrogator." The end.
There are rumors that Dick "Darth Vader" Cheney wanted to take away the interrogators' Altoids before they administered "the grasp," but Department of Justice lawyers deemed this too cruel.
And that's not all! As the torments were gradually increased, next up the interrogation ladder came "walling." This involves pushing the terrorist against a flexible wall, during which his "head and neck are supported with a rolled hood or towel that provides a C-collar effect to prevent whiplash."
People pay to have a lot rougher stuff done to them at Six Flags Great Adventure. Indeed, with plastic walls and soft neck collars, "walling" may be the world's first method of "torture" in which all the implements were made by Fisher-Price.
As the memo darkly notes, walling doesn't cause any pain, but is supposed to induce terror by making a "loud noise": "(T)he false wall is in part constructed to create a loud sound when the individual hits it, which will further shock and surprise." (!!!)
If you need a few minutes to compose yourself after being subjected to that horror, feel free to take a break from reading now. Sometimes a cold compress on the forehead is helpful, but don't let it drip or you might end up waterboarding yourself.
The CIA's interrogation techniques couldn't be more ridiculous if they were out of Monty Python's Spanish Inquisition sketch: Cardinal! Poke her with the soft cushions! ...
Hmm! She is made of harder stuff! Cardinal Fang! Fetch ... THE COMFY CHAIR!
So you think you are strong because you can survive the soft cushions. Well, we shall see. Biggles! Put her in the Comfy Chair! ... low – you will stay in the Comfy Chair until lunchtime, with only a cup of coffee at 11.
Further up the torture ladder – from Guantanamo, not Monty Python – comes the "insult slap," which is designed to be virtually painless, but involves the interrogator invading "the individual's personal space."
If that doesn't work, the interrogator shows up the next day wearing the same outfit as the terrorist. (Awkward.)
I will spare you the gruesome details of the CIA's other comical interrogation techniques and leap directly to the penultimate "torture" in their arsenal: the caterpillar.
In this unspeakable brutality, a harmless caterpillar is placed in the terrorist's cell. Justice Department lawyers expressly denied the interrogators' request to trick the terrorist into believing the caterpillar was a "stinging insect."
Human rights groups have variously described being trapped in a cell with a live caterpillar as "brutal," "soul-wrenching" and, of course, "adorable."
If the terrorist manages to survive the non-stinging caterpillar maneuver – the most fiendish method of torture ever devised by the human mind that didn't involve being forced to watch "The View" – CIA interrogators had another sadistic trick up their sleeves.
I am not at liberty to divulge the details, except to mention the procedure's terror-inducing name: "the ladybug."
Finally, the most savage interrogation technique at Guantanamo was "waterboarding," which is only slightly rougher than the Comfy Chair.
Thousands of our troops are waterboarded every year as part of their training, but not until it was done to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed – mastermind of the 9/11 attack on America – were liberal consciences shocked.
I think they were mostly shocked because they couldn't figure out how Joey Buttafuoco ended up in Guantanamo.
As non-uniformed combatants, all of the detainees at Guantanamo could have been summarily shot on the battlefield under the Laws of War.
Instead, we gave them comfy chairs, free lawyers, better food than is served in Afghani caves, prayer rugs, recreational activities and top-flight medical care – including one terrorist who was released, whereupon he rejoined the jihad against America, after being fitted for an expensive artificial leg at Guantanamo, courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer.
Only three terrorists – who could have been shot – were waterboarded. This is not nearly as bad as "snowboarding," which is known to cause massive buttocks pain and results in approximately 10 deaths per year.
Normal human beings – especially those who grew up with my older brother, Jimmy – can't read the interrogation memos without laughing.
At Al-Jazeera, they don't believe these interrogation memos are for real. Muslims look at them and say: THIS IS ALL THEY'RE DOING? We do that for practice. We do that to our friends.
But the New York Times is populated with people who can't believe they live in a country where people would put a caterpillar in a terrorist's cell.

Assult on the 1st Amendment

So I heard some very disturbing news today, the House of Representatives has passed a resolution 249-175 that provides special prosecutions to homosexuals, but leaves Christan ministers open to prosecution should their teachings be linked to any subsequent offense, by anyone, against a "gay".

So now we find that homosexuals have more rights than heterosexuals. Can anyone answer this simple question, where in the constitution does it give the government the right to create a special class of people? How is it any more hateful to attack a homosexual. All crimes are so called hate crimes. I think rape, murder, pedophilia are forms of hate crimes. Oh wait this bill protects pedophiles, well at least rape and murder our bad. What is wrong with this country that we protect the behavior of people that hate what our country stands for. We have a federalist form of government, the states our allowed to pass laws in favor of gay marriage. The problems of the homosexual lobby is that they do not want to except that the majority of the people in this nation do not support gay marriage(Even California voters made gay marrigae unconstutionial). It is a simple moral and ethical decision, if you are against something on moral grounds, you can't just arbitrarily throw the beliefs off and change your mind.

The real problem of the law is that in other nations that have passed similar laws ministers are thrown in jail for reading parts of the bible that say homosexuality is a sin. Is this our future of America, we just ignore the bill of rights. Maybe we should look at the first amendment real quick.

1st amendment; Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assembly, to petition the government for a redress of grievances. (emphasis mine)

Do I really have to explain what this means. You can not stop someones free speech period. This principle is the basic right that all others are built on. So no surprise that the democrats have pushed so hard, if they can just silence their critics they can get a permanent majority. I wish there was a true libertarian party to vote for, hopefully this won't take to long to form. We need small government, lower tax rates, no interference of business by government, defense of the right to bear arms. These are my principles, what are yours. The democrats are trying to make Christianity illegal, that is their goal and you would be wise to listen. If you don't agree with me at least understand that your idea of free speech is necessary for all political beliefs. Remember that we always have to stand against the governments agenda to steal our liberties. I might not always agree with you, but i will fight to my last breath to protect your right to say what you believe.

Bank of America stress test result

Gena this is for you Taken from Mish

The group that performed the stress tests state that Bank of American may need 70 billion dollers. Bank of America Corp. needs $60 billion to $70 billion of capital, according to Freidman, Billings, Ramsey Group Inc. analyst Paul Miller, who cited stress tests performed by his firm. Bank of America should consider converting its preferred shares to common stock, including $27 billion of privately held preferred “as soon as possible,” Miller wrote in a note to clients dated on tuesday. Miller said his firm’s versions of the stress tests were “somewhat tougher” than those by U.S. regulators. Fed Pushes Citi, BofA to Increase Capital. The Wall Street Journal is reporting Fed Pushes Citi, BofA to Increase Capital
Regulators have told Bank of America Corp. and Citigroup Inc. that the banks may need to raise more capital based on early results of the government's so-called stress tests of lenders, according to people familiar with the situation. Executives at both banks are objecting to the preliminary findings, which emerged from the government's scrutiny of 19 large financial institutions. The two banks are planning to respond with detailed rebuttals, these people said, with Bank of America's appeal expected by Tuesday. The findings suggest that government officials are using the stress tests to send a tough message to struggling banks. Industry analysts and investors predict that some regional banks, especially those with big portfolios of commercial real-estate loans, likely fared poorly on the stress tests. Analysts consider Regions Financial Corp., Fifth Third Bancorp and Wells Fargo & Co. to be among the leading contenders for more capital. Wells Fargo declined to comment.If [Bank of America] is forced to bolster its capital, it could do so in one of several ways, including selling assets, selling more shares to the public or converting the government's preferred shares into common stock. That would boost the company's capital on paper but could also leave the U.S. government as Bank of America's largest shareholder while diluting the value of the stock held by existing shareholders.Some bank executives have said that even after meeting with Fed examiners on Friday, they still don't understand details of the government's methodology for conducting the tests.Taxpayers To Take Yet Another HitBank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, and Fifth Third Bancorp all need more taxpayer handouts.Meanwhile Geithner proclaims the vast majority of banks are "well capitalized" as if the State Banks of Podunk, Nodunk, Bodunk, Modunk, and Hodunk counterbalance the shortfalls at Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, and Fifth Third. They don't and it is disingenuous of Geithner to suggest so. The most likely ways for the banks to raise capital are via dilution of Treasury owned preferred stock at taxpayer expense and via the Public Private Investment Plan (PPIP). The latter is a scam to heist taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars. Government officials stated today "that banks directed to raise more capital shouldn't be viewed as insolvent."What else can it possibly mean when taxpayers have to pony up hundreds of billions of dollars every other month just to keep the banks running?

What does it mean to be free

What does it mean to be free. How do I apply it to my life. What are natural rights's and why did the founders count on them. What is due process and how does it affect me. If you love the government, taxes, limitation or destruction of constitutional rights you will not like this post. But if you love freedom, yearn to make your own place in the world by hard work, dedication, love, friendship and personal responsibility you should listen closely.

First we need to look back at what the founders to thought. What is natural law? Natural law can be simply described as a philosophy that says that man was made in the image of god and that there just rights cannot be dissolved unless they intrude on another natural rights. Very simple example of this is when somebody murders another person. Both have the right to life, but when one takes the sword and it results in murder the society that came up with the civil contract(Government) has the right to protect citizens. The government can only do what a citizen can do. You have the right to protect yourself, so the government has the right through police to protect you. This is also seen in the idea of property rights. Let's say you worked very hard and built a comfortable life for yourself. You acquired two brand new wave runner for you and your family to enjoy. But down the street there was a person who had not pushed himself hard and therefore did not have much to show for it. But lucky for him the benevolent neighbor that lives in between you two has decided that it is not fair you have two wave runners. So he takes one of your new wave runners and gives it to the man down the street. What would happen? You would call the cops and they would arrest the neighbor for theft and return the wave runner. But what is wrong with this story is that the neighbor is the government and they do this through taxation of one group and redistribution to another. The governments job is to protect you property, not to steal it and give it to someone else. This is why natural law is so important. It gives a man the right to reap what he sows, keep what he earns. Hard work and dedication do not always lead to a comfortable life, but laziness always leads to a useless life.

What is due process and how does it apply to us as citizens. It is the idea that basic fairness must remain part of the process and it provides rules and procedures so that this BASIC fairness is applied to an individual, to prevent arbitrary action by corrupt and powerful governments.

5th amendment: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger, nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property be taken for public use,without just compensation."

This very eloquently states that are rights are not arbitrary, the state has no constitutional authority to take these rights and if they do they have to be fairly compensated through monetary or procedural law. The whole point is that the constitution set up government made up of free men and women, we are not subjects, we are the people(Individuals). This is very important. The government does not rule over us. The government's job is to protect our Natural Rights. They are suppose to protect our freedoms, our property, our life, and many other rights not enumerated on in the constitution according to the ninth amendment. See most people do not realize that the 9th amendment is one of the greatest amendments because it clearly states the government cannot not deny or disparage the other rights of the people.

9th amendment: The enumeration in the constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Have you though about these other rights not mentioned in the constitution. Some might be to work in the occupation and company you want, to choose your own wife, to choose how many kids you want, what kind of car you drive or maybe that you want a bike, you might just walk. The point is that it is you right to decide. The government was suppose to protect the free choices of people. Look at China, is that how you want to be. You can only have one child, that is were we our heading. When you take away choice you always take away freedom. I Can't wait for the days when the government will tell us that we do not need trucks. They will dictate that we drive crappy little Eco-friendly death traps. I did say death traps, do you understand what i am saying, we our losing our freedom every election. The two party system is rigged to always grow government. One party spends the money on war, the other on socialists security, socialist medicine, and welfare programs to promote a collective state conciseness that methodically sucks all the life of a free people.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My thoughts on the Swine Flu

Does it not feel like something weird is going on with the swine flu. I do not live that far from Livingston county were the first case of swine flu was reported in Michigan. I just have a sinking feeling in my gut about the whole thing. The flu has been exploding for the last few days. Cases in Israel, Scotland, California, Florida, Kansas, Texas, Michigan and numerous other places. The problem is that we only know the numerator(people in the hospital). The denominator is much larger(the people that have it that do not know that they have it or are afraid to let someone know they have it). The Great influenza started out much the same way and effected the same age of the population(25-56). From the reading that I have done on the subject the reason seemingly healthy die is not from the flu, but from the over reaction of the immune system. The young and old who have generally weaker immune systems do not have the same massive immune reaction.

Why has the government not closed the border. What the fuck are they doing. Everyone knows that in order to contain a virus you Isolate it, so it does not pass along in the population. This is not what the economy needs right now. 34,000 restaurants were closed in Mexico City today. Could you imagine what would happen if we had to close all restaurants in the United State? Why did we wait till Monday night to inform people that they should probably not go to Mexico?
The Obama Budget

The budget Obama proposes for this year increases federal spending by a fiscally insane 34% over the budget adopted for last year, with a total of $4 trillion in federal spending, the highest ever. That spending would equal 28.5% of GDP, an increase in the size of the federal government in Obama’s first year of 42% compared to the postwar average relative to GDP

Did anyone that follows politics not think that this was going to happen. If the so called fiscal Conservative Bush deficit spent 2.9 trillion, why would the true tax and spend party slow the train down. Party like it is 1999, we will be dead when our kids figure out that we screwed them.

The CBO estimates that this Obama budget deficit will total an astounding 13.1% of GDP, more than one-eighth of the entire U.S. economy, for the federal deficit alone! That is again the largest in U.S. history except for World War II and more than twice Reagan’s highest deficit as a percent of GDP

This is unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable. What do you say about this. They are gonna bury us so deep we will never come out of this mess. Like they say when you get in a hole stop digging. When will they relize that you can not spend your way out of debt. It has never worked before. If it did we could just print money and give it away. But you can't it will only cause inflation. Inflation is described in a expansion of the money supply. It will always fail.

(April 30 Update) New Information that I heard today is that if you are 24 right now you will pay approximantly 114,000 dollers over the lifetime just for the Interest on the debt of the money that Obama is spending. The numbers grow daily, almost seems to be no limit on the money he will spend. There is so much here, I will get back to the subject latter.

(May 1 Update) Before I forget, I wanted to mention that at the current rate of spending the Obama Adminstration will spend more money in the first 20 months through deciet spending that the bush adminstration did in all eight yrs of his adminstration. The thing is that Bush spent money like a drunken sailor. When will this end, maybe when China stops buying our treasuries. We will see, can't spend like this forever.


I have been observing the news of the last year with a sense of disbelief. How did we elect a fascist for the president. Why after the last idiot would we think that this community agitator would be able to provide real hope. (Fascism - definition: totalitarian philosophy of government that glorifies the state and nation and assigns to the state control over every aspect of national life. The name was first used by the party started by Benito Mussolini , who ruled Italy from 1922 until the Italian defeat in World War II. However, it has also been applied to similar ideologies in other countries, e.g., to National Socialism in Germany and to the regime of Francisco Franco in Spain.)
Let me think, have we reached a point were the state is taking control of sectors of the economy.
1. Bailing out banks that made bad loans
2. Changing the rules of the tarp afterward ex post facto
3. Bailing out the car companies
4. Destroying equity holders, bond holders and giving car companies to Unions. Classic redistribution of wealth.
5. Label people with opposing political beliefs as Terrorists (Homeland Security-Assessment of
right wing extremism)
6. Taking control of large insurance companies (AIG 180 billion so far)

I challenge you to tell me that he does not meet the classic definition of a fascist. To be fair he has not taken complete control of the economy, yet. Will see if he has enough to push through national health care, and or cap and trade.
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