Thursday, May 7, 2009

The first 100 Days or so of the Obama Kingship

So let's make a list's of the achievements of the first 100 Days of the Obama Administration.
1. The largest budget in the history of the United States. That is twice the size of the last budget of Bill Clinton. It is 25% of the GDP of the United States.
2. He cut 17 billion dollars from the budget for 2009(.05 percent). The problem is that he doubled the size of the budget. But they are good cuts, the f22 raptor and enlistment bonuses for the armed forces.
3. He signed a executive order that ordered the government to pay for embryonic stem research. The problem here is that there have been no cures from it, not one. Adult stem cells have provided over thirty types of genetic therapy's.
4. He will not talk or take part in the national day of prayer.
5. The FDIC is seriously underfunded. 13.6 billion of assets back up 4.7 Trillion of banking loans.
6. The terror flight over New York. What a stupid stunt, ignorant and expensive (380,000.00)
7. Threatening bond holders with the white house press core. The first point is that the president is no more than a extortionists. But the second thing that should truly concern you is that he thinks that the press core will do what he says. They are suppose to report the news, investigate the powerful and give a non-biased view. They are involved in the messiah worship of Obama. This is truly scary.
8. His pushing of the fairness doctrine behind the scenes through the house and senate and the changes in the appointment to the FCC.
9. The push for cap and trade taxes on businesses to the tune of 636 Billion dollars. Did you read that 636 billion dollars. That is another 3000.00 dollars a yr in taxes on the average family. The government never creates wealth they just tax it from one source and redistribute it to another group. It is all ways a waste of money, the government does not know how to make money. See Amtrak, post office, Fannie Mae Freddie Mac and every other thing the government has gotten into.
10. The worst thing that i have seen so far is the breaking of the constitution limits on the authority of the executive branch. He is trying to influence the courts to change payout structure of the bankruptcy code. He is unduly wielding his power to influence and control an autonomous branch of the government. That is scary. Does he think that he is the King. It would appear so.
I will add to the list as I think about it more. He is literally wiping his ass with the Constitution. We are a nation of laws, not of men. We do not have a king and for good reasons.

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