Thursday, May 7, 2009

Montana fucking rocks

Montana Defies Feds on Guns, Ammo, Silencers and Other Accessories
Published by Colin May 7, 2009 in Current Events. Tags: , , , , , , , .
I was quite impressed that the words were finally articulated by Judge Andrew Napolitano at Campaign For Liberty’s rally in St. Louis in March regarding the second amendment:
If a politician tells you that he’s in favour of the Second Amendment because he’s a hunter - he is no friend of the Second Amendment. Here is the dirty little secret of the Second Amendment that you never learned in public schools. The Second Amendment was written to give you the right to shoot at the government when it becomes a tyranny.
Now the Democratic governor of Montana has signed into law an incredible attempt to erode the power of the Federal Government as it applies to gun laws. Let me just lay it out from the bill:
A personal firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition that is manufactured commercially or privately in Montana and that remains within the borders of Montana is not subject to federal law or federal regulation, including registration, under the authority of congress to regulate interstate commerce...
What this functionally means is that items that the federal government loves to regulate and prohibit: handguns, silencers, ammunition, scopes and so on - would be perfectly legal in Montana and exempt from requirements to engage the Federal framework of registration.
Montana’s argument is sound - those items which are made in Montana for use in Montana are not being involved in “interstate commerce.” That small clause of the constitution which lies at the heart of many federal laws, including drug laws, alcohol laws, transportation laws and firearms laws among other things is being directly challenged by this legislation.
Attempts like this with medical marijuana have promoted Federal officials to react by performing armed raids of citizens in California, for example. Aside from the aggression on behalf of the federal agents - these confrontations generally were non-violent. However a very different scenario is now set up in Montana.
Gun loving people in the state are going to take advantage of this law. They are going to buy silencers, ammunition and guns - and a percentage of these are going to be willing to put Judge Napolitano’s words into action. A federal raid on gun-loving, moderately anti-government individuals may very well result in violence.
Unfortunately, this is the inevitable result of an aggressively growing central government that has run out of external enemies to prosecute. Those enemies of the state begin to be revealed from within. Average people, who merely want to keep the means to defend themselves or even exercise their rights of bearing arms may risk violent interaction with Federal agents in Montana.
(this has been coming for a long time, there has never been a nation as large and diverse as ours that has not broken down, see the USSR, Bosnia and countless others, we will one day split into smallers fractions, some with the intent of confiscating property and personal rights and others that protect and die for the rights the founders professed. We will eventually tell the feds to fuck off)

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